Coronavirus – 3 Ways to Boost Immunity

I want to focus on the positive – what are ARE in control of during this time. This COVID-19 pandemic has us in a frenzy, and to give us back control, let’s spend some time in the kitchen. Here are some ways to help you and your quarantined loved ones now, and any time of the year.

These five immune-boosting tips can be made with foods that (hopefully) are available in your grocery store. They’re not bread, cereal, pasta or toilet paper – the item’s i’ve seen most scarce. Coincidentally, these give us a sense of security long-term, but will not help to protect us much now, or ever, really. Let’s focus on real food as much as we can. #realfoodmovement

  1. Eat organ meats. The nutrient density is beyond any conventional or pasture-raised meat. Chicken liver has 100X more useable nutrients than the breast. Nutrient DENSITY is what we should pay attention to – not calories. Since our local farmers are most likely feeling the hit financially, now more than ever is a great time to reach out (call) and make a quick trip. Maybe they could meet you at your car to make the exchange as efficient as possible! You could also try ordering on butcher box or farm foods.
  2. Coconut oil – have 1 tbsp or more per day. It is a great anti-microbial, and as Sally Fallon mentioned, here, the medium-chain triglycerides help to ward of the virus.
  3. Soups made with homemade meat stock or bone broth. The gelatin-rich broths are amazing at nourishing the cells of our intestine. The easy-to-digest and highly absorbable vitamins and minerals in them are an immune boosting powerhouse. Healthy gut=healthy immune system, as 80% of our immune system actually lives in our gut!

I’ve personally also been loving herbal teas, hot water with lemon, and plenty of filtered water with sea salt (I love baja gold, which carries much more magnesium than other brands). Also know that our mental state – i.e. giving into panic and fear – can do a lot of physical harm to the body. Our thoughts effect our physical body and the health of our physical body effects our mind.

Sending love, happiness and health to you all!




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